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The HUNT! Lucky 13 - Annual Hunt - RSVP NOW!

From: Greg W.
Sent on: Saturday, June 7, 2014, 10:34 AM


We need to buy the food!

When you RSVP, you'll be asked to use Pay Pal - the money will magically drop into our account.  If you have an aversion to them, please make you payment directly to Kendra or me NOW!

You can also Send Money to me directly through Pay Pal:  Do the following:
Go to and Log In
Click on the Tab at the top “Send Money
Send To [address removed]
Enter the Amount: ($30.00 per person – no, it will not do the math for you.)
Click “I’m sending money to family or friends”

Click Continue (from this point, I don’t know what they’ll be asking – I can’t send money to my self – sorry)

Under Notes, type in something like:               
Registration for Kirk Robbins & Lily Alexander for 13th Annual Hunt
Finish out your payment.

Captain Greg

It is time to RSVP!



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