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Re: [AvidGolfersNJ] AGNJ Pace of Play Policy and Tips

From: user 9.
Sent on: Thursday, March 12, 2015, 10:25 AM
A good site to understand equitable handicap scoring

From: "John E" <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Thursday, March 12,[masked]:44:49 AM
Subject: [AvidGolfersNJ] AGNJ Pace of Play Policy and Tips

Hello again,

Pace of Play can make or break a good round of golf.  Two years ago we played a course and our group was holding up the entire course.  It was embarrassing and made our group look bad.  I'm sure the sound our group name left a bad taste in their mouth. We have greatly improved pace of play within the group but we should always be conscious of it.  If it's not in our control (non-AGNJ groups) then we can only hope the 
ranger sorts things out.  We do not want to be the ones being pushed by the rangers.

Slow Pace of Play within our group is not tolerated.  We offer everyone a voice to speak up to anyone not keeping pace.  If someone is being slow, don't wait until the end of the round to let an organizer know.  Feel free to tell the offending person directly in a nice way.  Remember that nobody is here playing alone, you're usually playing with 3 other members and not being considerate will mess up their day.  This reflects bad on us as a group as well.  

*Some quick Place of Play tips*
~When riding in a cart with a partner, go the ball of whichever of the two are farthest from the hole and leave the player there.  Let them grab the club(s) they need and then go to your ball and prepare for your turn.  This keeps things moving great.  When walking, go directly to your ball unless you're in between the player and the green.  If so, nice drive.. 

~When riding, once you're done hitting the ball, bring the club with you into the card and drive up to you or your partner's ball with the club in your hand.  Once you get to your own ball and stop the cart, put the club back in your bag while you are grabbing your next club.  This little thing can save so much time.

~ Hit a provisional shot if you are very certain the ball is or could be lost, not just because you hit a bad shot.  In most cases it's only if you should hit a provisional if your ball may have gone out of bounds.  Better to spend another minute hitting a second ball than 5 minutes searching for your ball, then to drop and hit again.  If there's a lateral hazard then a provisional is optional since you can drop by the point you went in without taking a loss of distance.  

~Pickup your ball once you are at Double-Par.  Even GHIN has equitable stroke control so you can't post a 9 on a Par 4 for your handicap unless you have a course handicap of 30 and above.  Anyone with a course handicap of 29 or lower shouldn't write down anything higher than an 8 on any hole, even par 5s.  The lower your course handicap, the less strokes you are able to write down.  For example, someone with a course handicap of 18 can only take a maximum of 7 strokes on any hole.  So instead of putting in for 9, you should be walking to the next tee already.

~Once you putt out, if the next tee box is a short walk from the green, walk off the green, grab your bag or club and go tee off if the fairway is clear.  You don't have to wait for everyone to finish, especially if the group ahead of you is moving along at a fast pace. 

We have other tips as well.  Please visit our Pages tab within our Meetup page or click below to explore all of our policies.


Your AGNJ Organizers

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