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Re: [AvidGolfersNJ] AGNJ RSVP Policy *Important*

From: roger v.
Sent on: Thursday, March 12, 2015, 11:06 AM
Hey John, Way to lay down the law, you are just trying to make our group better! Good job! Hope to be playing golf with you soon! Roger

On Thursday, March 12,[masked]:44 AM, John E <[address removed]> wrote:

Hey Golfers,

Well we're very close to starting the season.. The grass is starting to show and it's getting me excited for golf.. hopefully you as well. 

This email serves as a reminder to our current members as well as new members who joined recently and has never played with us before.  Please make sure to read as you are expected to follow these rules.  

RSVP and Cancellations
We usually book the tee times for a course before posting the event on our calendar.  We're often limited to the amount of spots we can get for our members.  We usually keep a waiting list for most courses so even if it's full, please RSVP as we have see RSVP's drop and members on the waiting list get a spot when it looked almost impossible.  

When on the waiting list, if you book another tee time or make other plans, please cancel your RSVP to our event immediately.  We have had members who are on the waiting list and didn't think they would get a spot so they make other plans and stay on the waiting list.  Then they get a confirmed spot for the event and have to cancel, sometimes within the 24 cancellation period.

AGNJ is particularly strict with RSVP cancellations within the stated cancellation deadline of each event.  If we do not specifically state the cancellation deadline on an event, it means there is a 24-hour cancellation policy.  If a course has a longer cancellation deadline (ie. 48 hours), we will list it in the event description.  

Keep in mind that some courses charge a fee for no-shows, so if we book tee times for 12 members and only 11 show, we may still have to pay for the 12th person.  So we ask that you be considerate and let us know 

We do have penalties for going against our policy.  If any current member fails to show up for an event that they signed up for, they will be suspended immediately, unless they have notified us asap about not being able to make it.  If you're a new member or in your 30-day trial and don't show up to your first event, you will automatically be removed from our group.  If we are charged a fee at the course because of your absence, we expect you to give us the fees back which we put up in advance.  Yes they seem harsh but we dedicate our time to our AGNJ members and expect the same thing in return.  We do understand that emergencies can happen and we in fact have been pretty lenient. 

For more information on our RSVP policies, please visit our Pages tab within our Meetup page or click below to explore all of our policies.


Your AGNJ Orgnaizers

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