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Black Bear Outing - Payment due

From: John E
Sent on: Monday, April 11, 2016, 7:49 PM

Hey Golfers,

Sending this email to the entire group though not all of you are signed up.  We do have spots available in case you would like to join us.

For those who are going to this event, please submit your payment by tomorrow.  If you are not sure or no longer interested in going, please remove yourself from the event or email me and I can remove you.

We need all payments in and an accurate head count.  If I don't have 20 paid members, I will not be able to golf this event and it will be cancelled.

Payment options are PayPal (to [address removed] - select Send money to family and friends), P2P payment through your bank to [address removed], Venmo app @johnestrella, or check.  If you wish to send a check, please email me and I'll send you my mailing address.



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