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What we’re about

Awaken in Toronto is a community of individuals dedicated to awakening in this lifetime.  We practice Vajrayana Buddhism, which means that along with the study and practice of the Vajrayana path, we enjoy exploring a wide range of topics helping us to unfold spiritually.

We hold weekly online Zoom classes led by Lama Linda or one of our senior students to study, meditate and explore topics that can help lead to awakening.
We also offer weekend meditation retreats several times through the year at the Dharma Centre of Canada . This allows us to explore in greater depth some of life’s questions.
We also join together from time to time for discussion groups on topics such as Dying and Death, IFS and Integral Spirituality as well as explorations of art, music and recreational events.
Learn more on our website:
To join our mailing list click here.

"在多倫多開悟"是一個致力於在今生之中開悟覺醒的體團。 我們修習金剛乘佛教,這意味著在學習和修行的道路上,我們會探索各種有助於我們精神發展的主題。
我們每週舉辦在線 Zoom 課程,由喇嘛 Linda 或我們其中一位資深學生主持,學習、冥想和探索有助於覺醒的主題。
我們還在加拿大佛法中心 (Dharma Centre of Canada) 全年多次提供週末冥想靜修。 這使我們能夠更深入地探索一些生活問題。

Upcoming events (4+)

See all
  • Buddhist Books to Read
    Link visible for attendees
    • Photo of Linda Hochstetler
    • Photo of Jenny Pace
    • Photo of Rachel R Hor
    • Photo of Casie Leah
    • Photo of Anna
  • Long Weekend Camping Trip on the Bruce Peninsula
    Mountain Trout Camp, Miller Lake, ON
    • Photo of Linda Hochstetler
    • Photo of Jenny Pace
    • Photo of Richard
  • Buddhist Books to Read
    Link visible for attendees
    • Photo of Linda Hochstetler
    • Photo of Jenny Pace
  • Buddhist Books to Read
    Link visible for attendees
    • Photo of Linda Hochstetler
    • Photo of Jenny Pace