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Help on Saturday: get more classical liberals into the Senate

From: Nigel R.
Sent on: Monday, June 27, 2016, 8:26 AM
Liberal Democrat Senator David Leyonhjelm has achieved a great deal over the last three years in getting the message of smaller government out to our fellow Australians.
The Liberal Democrats, founded by Brisbane Ayn Rand Meetup member John Humphries in 2001, has also been instrumental in bringing together Ayn Rand fans from all over Australia.

Many LNP voters are very dismayed at their party's policy on superannuation, and the LNP's decision to delay until 2021 the balancing of the Federal budget, with the deficit for[masked] estimated at close to $40 billion.

It would surely not take much to persuade them to vote Liberal Democrats in the Senate. 

To this end, I'm hoping you can help out on election day - next Saturday - at your local polling booths by handing out how-to-vote cards. Your effort may be just enough to tip the balance in favour of our Senate candidates, Gabe Buckley and John Rooth. 

There will be an election party on Saturday night, location and time TBA.

Please email me on [address removed] if you can help.

Best regards,

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