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From: Toni Armstrong J.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 23, 2015, 11:15 AM
Hi all...
This is a friendly reminder about Sunday - BLAST's annual FUNdraising bowling tournament. (Trophies for highest score, wildest antics, and most gutter balls.)

If you have been considering participating, now is the time to hop in. We are finalizing the teams on Saturday.

If you think you might have RSVPd yes but now your plans have changed, please use the link below to change your RSVP to no. Any no-shows or last-minute cancellations will mess up the day, and we will follow up to collect the donation even if women don't attend.

Details and RSVPS here:

Thanks! Looking forward to a great time on Sunday!

Toni Jr. - [address removed]

PS - Today (Sept. 23) is BLAST's 7th birthday. The group was formed this day in 2008. Pam Bates and Lori Morgan were the first official members.