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Join other New York entrepreneurs interested in leveraging blockchain and cryptocurrency technology to build disruptive businesses. The goal is to network, share insights into the different technologies and tools people are using to build their products, and help one another succeed as entrepreneurs.

The Yorkseed Meetup is where we discuss what the world might look like in ten years or more. Speakers explore trends with transformative potential... or ones that are just fascinating.

Our events usually run in Brooklyn or Manhattan where most members work or live. Topics are not Brooklyn-focused. They are open to attendees and speakers from anywhere. We are aimed to be nationwide largest startup-focused meetup with 5,000+ members and in the top 5 globally. We also plan run a global network of entrepreneurship -focused meetups with tens of thousands more like-minded members in cities like Paris, Berlin, Montreal, London and Singapore. Contact the organizer if you like to open a chapter in your local cities.

We meet several times per year with presentations by world-class guest speakers, followed by spirited, respectful discussion. We encourage you to mingle with fellow attendees before and afterwards. Review our member profiles - you'll find an amazing array of entrepreneurs, VCs, tech visionaries, philanthropist, big thinkers, creative types and more.

Our topics are unlimited. Past events looked at "now" futurism, women in innovation, sustainability, space commercialization, nanotech, DARPA, the Lowline, the Ocean, Automation in the workplace, web privacy, business, 3D Printing and media. We're planning more exciting programs in culture, science, technology, education, entertainment, commerce and societal relations. Your suggestions for topics, speakers, event formats, partners, perks and sponsors are welcome.

Please note:
Our site and live events are not platforms for members to promote their own endeavors. Members join to hear the speaker, engage with them and enjoy stimulating mutually beneficial conversations with others. That means no self-promotional or commercial blurbs/links on the comment or post sections, long touts of yourself/company at events. Violators will be removed from the group.

Feel free to have one-to-one conversations with other members on whatever you fancy. 
If you have a product, event or service you want to promote to our members, contact the organizer to sponsor the meetup for a financial investment.

Please feel free to also join us in the global conversation at