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Reminder: BNFree November Reading and Discussion Group (and business) meeting on 12/4

From: Derek
Sent on: Monday, November 28, 2016, 12:53 PM
Reminder: The next business/discussion group meeting is next Sunday (12/4) at noon. The location still has to be updated: it'll either be at Schnuck's like last month, or at the Community Building at Dunraven. The location will be updated on Meetup as soon as it is confirmed.

The next two business meetings are important ones: At the next one, we'll start taking nominations for executive board members for next year and plan out the process. The Sunday meeting after that (the first of 2017) will be board elections. A number of other important things, like potential updates to the bylaws and further planning for the BNFree blog (which will start up again shortly), will be discussed as well. That's all alongside this month's discussion topic, forwarded below.

If you can't make it to the meeting but want to nominate someone, including yourself, for a board position, let Denise or I know. Also let us know if you're interested in contributing to the blog in the future; we already have some members ready for that, but we're always open to more.


On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 8:10 PM, Derek <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi BNFree peeps,

The thread for the November discussion group is up, here. The topic is conversion. What is conversion? What causes people to convert to or from religion? How does conversion happen?

The main reading is about a woman who went from Christianity to atheism and back to Christianity; there are also some relevant things from William James. But this is also something that many of our members understand very personally, and you can share your experiences in the thread and at the discussion itself. What was your experience? How did it unfold? What changed, and what did you discover?

Date of discussion: December 4th

Hope to see some of you there,


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