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BNFree yearly elections at the next Sunday meeting.

From: Derek
Sent on: Thursday, December 22, 2016, 12:06 AM
Hi BNFreepersons,

Yearly officer elections are at the next Sunday meeting! That's the one on January 8th (the second Sunday of January--it was moved from the first Sunday for fairly obvious reasons).

There is exactly one nominee so far for each position, which is enough to work but not quite a shining demonstration of the power of the vote. So if you want to run for a position, or nominate someone else for a position, you should contact myself or Denise. You can reach us via email or Meetup, or present your nomination at the meeting itself. You can also contact us if you want more information about the positions.

Nominees so far:

Chairperson: Denise
Vice Chairperson: Derek
Secretary: Ken
Treasurer: Dirk

The voting will be at the meeting itself (assuming that we get any competitive races).

See you there,
