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RE: [Free-Thinkers] Suggestions for the place of our next meeting, please?

From: Elena
Sent on: Tuesday, September 14, 2010, 1:43 PM
So what's wrong with a potluck picnic in Barnsdal park, weather permitting? Or in a restaurant/ cafe if the weather is cold.
Good luck,

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [Free-Thinkers] Suggestions for the place of our next meeting, please?
Date: Mon, 13 Sep[masked]:26:35 -0400

I plan to have a meeting in a couple of weeks. The tentative subject of the discussion will be "Religious Toleration" - at least we can use it as a starting point, and then let the conversation go where it wants to go. But I need the ideas on the venue of this meeting.

One member has suggested Barnsdal Park - is that all? Any other ideas?

Also, please let me know if you prefer Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning or Sunday afternoon. (Sorry I cannot do Saturday morning).

Your input is greatly appreciated.



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