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Dance For The Cure Tickets Selling Fast!! PLEASE READ!!!!!!

From: Gail T.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 13, 2009, 8:25 AM
Hello Meet-Up Group,

This is BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH and you can show your support by doing your favorite thing....DANCING!! You want to come out to support this worthy cause because 50% percent of donations will go to CANCER research. Right now, I'm dealing with a family member with Cancer and even though she is looking better. Without the research and support of people like yourself donating to this worthy cause I do believe her outcome would be different. We need your SUPPORT!! Everyday millions of women are diagnosed with Cancer. If you could come out and dance for the cure it would be greatly appreciated. Not to mention we are going to have prizes, food, music, and an AWESOME showcase. Your donation could even go towards FREE dance lessons. All the details is located on the home page of our meet-up group as far as donation amounts and location. Please join us with your help we can make a difference TOGETHER!!!


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