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Re: [atheists-55] This Jeff Wismer fella.

From: Jeff W.
Sent on: Thursday, May 15, 2008, 4:50 PM
I HATE the YANKEEZZZ...A-ROD is a GOAT BOY/choke artist

On 5/15/08, Steve Z. <[address removed]> wrote:
Hey folks,

Just saw all the rigomarole about Jeff's e-mails. Just to clear things up Jeff is the
organizer for the Beltway Atheist:

He is not a noob, invader or Yankee fan (hopefully).

He and his group are quite active and I suggest that anyone interested in doing
more outreach, should consider joining that group also.

I hope to have the time to go to some of his events so that I can meet more
like minded people and do some drinkiin' at those Happy Hours they're always havin'.

That's all for now,

Lose the faith,

Steve 'I really hope Jeff's not a Yankee fan' Z.

This message was sent by Steve Z. ([address removed]) from The Baltimore Atheists Meetup Group.
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