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The perks of being a Bar Raider

From: Steve C.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 21, 2014, 11:02 PM

Dear Raiders!

Thank-you for the feedback on our last message about women's safety. It appears there were a number of women having those exact concerns about coming along to our events and it has been a pleasure to hear from you and see some of you now turning up at events with confidence in your own safety.

As a follow on from that, we now also have another great offer to share with our members. Uber, the private driver taxi company has decided to also jump on board and help us out with a great offer for first time users.


If you live in the inner suburbs of Melbourne, as a member of the Bar Raiders you will receive 1 free ride (up to $25) using the Uber mobile app taxi service. Just use the promo code "Raiders" when you first sign up as a new user. You will see the link to add the promo code in the top right of the mobile app with in the first few steps of registration.. DON'T FORGET TO CLICK ON THAT AND ENTER "Raiders"


As you can tell, we don't just raid cool bars. We also love our theme parties such as Oktoberfest and Halloween and if we see an opportunity to visit a new bar and throw an epic theme party then we're in!! The offer I want to share with you is 10% off costume hire from Court Jester fancy dress hire in Laverton. Perfect opportunity to pick up a Halloween bargain. Our Halloween party is shaping up to be amazing! We will have people in there for two days working on the spooky decor! The DJ's, games and other entertainment are all organised and ready to go!


As mentioned in our last message, we have negotiated a 3 month free trial of charmsafe exclusive to female members of Raiders of the lost bars. To redeem 3 months free: just register at (it's free to register) and then use contact us form quoting "Keep Raiders safe".

One last thing!


This Summer we will be implementing a new weekly schedule to ensure we get the most out of the great weather this year. Instead of just weekly Thursday nights we are looking to do Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays too and explore the beer gardens and rooftops all over Melbourne and it's surrounding inner suburbs. See our meetup page banner for more info.

Exciting few months ahead hey?! Also our second birthday party will be in January so don't miss that!

So do you accept your Summer mission? :-)

See you at an event soon!

Steve and the awesome Raiders hosting team.

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