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Need space to work!

From: Anita Jones H.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 1:02 PM
Hi! I am relatively new to the Tampa Bay area. I work from a Virtual Office in my home for Dow Chemical. Since moving, I have found almost insurmountable distraction trying to work from home. I think the main reason is I don't have a dedicated office space in my home here in Florida. Do any of you know of any small hole-in-the-wall office located... anywhere close to Tarpon Springs or Trinity. I just need a space with high speed internet. I am not looking for a full service executive suite. I'd love to find a real estate office or consultant office that has at least one extra unused office they would be willing to make available for my use at a very reasonable rate. I expect I will have to pay this expense out of pocket. Thanks so much!! Anita Hilliard

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