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What we’re about

Hi to all Bitcoin enthusiasts,

The aim of this Meetup is to educate anyone on what Bitcoin is, how it is created and how to enter the Crypto space safely. Focusing on purchasing, storing and transacting your Bitcoin.
My journey into Bitcoin and Blockchain started in 2014 and has led me to where I am today as an educator and consultant in Bitcoin and Blockchain Basics.

With Bitcoin and Blockchain millions of people around the world are learning how we can, and are, changing the way we interact financially with each other, without regulations or fees from banks and corporations while promoting a more secure, transparent, and fairer distribution of wealth for all of us going into the future
I could not be more excited about what is taking place all across the globe. It is never to late to engage with Bitcoin. NOW is the time to learn, and profit, from this rEvolution.

I have been hosting this Meetup for over four years and in this time have met people from all over the world who, like myself, are fascinated by this new technology that is transforming the way that everyone is using money. There is nothing more interesting for me than to help people understand Bitcoin and how to use it safely and securely.

It is a very exciting time to learn about, and be in, the Crypto space.

Looking forward to you attending one of our weekly Zoom Meetups held every Monday 7:30pm....  

To join Zoom Meeting.

Meeting ID: 831 876 4978
Passcode: 9bCRsB

If you are new to Bitcoin, I strongly recommend watching this short YouTube video.

Best regards,

Patrick Bryan

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