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Re: [farsi-68] Talk to me! (High Priority)

From: user 4.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 10:27 AM
Can we all meet in the Peninsula sometime or are most people in downtown SF?


On 10/19/07, Leili <[address removed] > wrote:
Hey Friends,
How's it going?

It's a pleasure having all of you great people in this group. It can get much better if you guys actually show up for some events!

Would you do me a HUGE favor?
Tell me where and when you like us to meet. That's why you've joined this group, right? I bet you already have an ideal meet-up event in your head and you're waiting for it to happen...but I'm having difficulty guessing what that is!

Would you describe your ideal meet-up for me? It'll only take 5 minutes!
Please don't forget to include the details. You paint the complete picture for me and I PROMISE to make it happen ;-)

For example:
My favorite meet-up is:

when: Sunday 10:30AM
where :Fort Mason, San Francisco
activity: Bike the ~22 miles to Tiburon with a stop in Sausalito for ice cream or coffee. Arrive at Tiburon for lunch around 1PM. Catch the 2:40PM ferry back to SF.

Now it's your turn. What's your favorite meet-up?
[It's also a good idea if you put your favorite activity in your introduction to the group. others may decide that's their favorite activity as well :-) ]


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