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Show support for Luke Arduino, missing since New Year's Day

From: Tony P.
Sent on: Saturday, January 18, 2014, 7:54 PM
Hi Ross,

Would you mind sharing this with the rest of the members of BayNode? I also posted it on the message board, but I don't think it will get much notice that way.

Thanks and enjoy Hawaii!



Hi everyone.

I'm making a public service announcement: Luke Arduini, an active member of the node community, Yahoo employee, and organizer of the Node.js && Beer meetup, has been missing since New Year's Day.

I've proposed a meetup for his meetup group:

It would be a very cool if you would all consider joining his group as a symbolic show of support for a fellow node hacker, help spread the word, and consider going to the meetup/vigil for him at the end of the month. A venue has not been selected yet.

Here is a website dedicated to helping locate him and a Twitter hashtag:
Thank you for your support.


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