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East Aurora potluck 09/09/12

From: Donna
Sent on: Saturday, September 1, 2012, 10:05 PM

"Great News!  Your long-standing heart disease has vanished!"

How would you like to hear those words?

A local WNYer got that news last week.

She's agreed to tell her story of living in a diseased body

with death fast approaching...

and explain how she came to hear

those thrilling words.


You're invited to join us, because  FOOD MATTERS!

* Remember to bring a friend,especially if you know someone with

  • heart disease
  • blood vessel issues (high blood pressure, blocked arteries, etc),
  • high pain medication use
  • diabetes complications
This testimony will give them hope again!

Also remember when you prepare your food to bring:

We want to serve food with NO animal products.

No eggs, no milk or

dairy of any kind, no meats, no fish


Open to all who want to:
~ enjoy a delicious healthy meal with others
~ would like to learn and be supported in
        making healthful choices in their lives

DATE THIS MONTH: SUNDAY, September 9th   @ 4-7 PM at:

Crossroads Christian Church
1050 Girdle Road
East Aurora, NY 14052
A typical meeting: No one person does it all! We all join in to make it an enjoyable time for everyone.

4-4:45 Set up time & visiting
4:45-5 Introducing the dishes
5 - 6 Time to eat!
6 -7 Testimony : THE END OF HEART DISEASE!!

                         Why are we diagnosed with chronic illness?
Why is our Earth and our food becoming more toxic every day?
What can we do about it?

Come and learn!

For the potluck (or pot BLESSING might be the better term!) at 4:00: Please bring a dish to pass (vegan please - no animal products). We encourage primarily live food dishes: various salads, veggies & dip, fruit, healthy desserts. However, cooked vegan dishes are also welcome. Be creative! If you could take the time and write down your recipe, we can copy to share with others.

For additional Crossroads Support Group information call:
Robert Spencer[masked] or Eileen LaRouech[masked]
Blessings on you, as you journey through this life on Earth. 
May you learn to be free from physical pain and affliction, 
so that you can help as many others as possible.  

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