Let's keep up the #java vibes! This time we're heading to J-Crafters, in Kontich. Many thanks for hosting us!
This time we have a champion of java who is doing a #jug tour and we are very happy to have him pass by our lovely country: Andres Almiray. He will not be presenting just 1... but 2 talks!
- 18:00: Doors open + Food and Drinks
- 18:45: Intro and BeJUG updates
- 18:50 Session 1
- 19:40: Little break
- 19:50: Session 2
- 20:40: Mingling + Drinks
Deploying to production with confidence
How many times have we asked ourselves if it is a good idea to release to production on a Friday afternoon? Is the production software sufficiently robust and/or resilient to vulnerabilities? How can we detect and correct security problems in production? Better yet, how can we prevent such problems or attacks? In recent years the topic Software Supply Chain Security has taken on greater importance. Concepts like SBOMs, SLSA, Reproducible Builds, CI/CD Security are widely discussed to answer the previously posited questions. In this session we will discover what are these concepts and how you may apply them to your own projects.
Building AI powered applications with Java
It's said that context is king. This phrase has become more important in recent times thanks to the rise of AI and LLMs. LLMs are evolving faster and faster every month. However, trained models lag in knowledge regarding recent events as well as specific data pertaining to your business, specially those models trained externally. This being said, there are ways to enhance these models with additional context enabling them to deliver results custom tailored to your specific needs.
In this session we'll have a look at how we can achieve this goal using a combination of well known Java stacks and libraries such as Spring AI and LangChain4j.
About Andres
Andres is a Java/Groovy developer and a Java Champion Alumni, Developer Advocate for the Database Group At Oracle, with more than 2 decades of experience in software design and development. He has been involved in web and desktop application development since the early days of Java. Andres is a true believer in open source and has participated on popular projects like Groovy, Griffon, and DbUnit, as well as starting his own projects. Founding member of the Griffon framework and Hackergarten community event. Author of JReleaser. You can find him on twitter too as @aalmiray. He likes to spend time with his beloved wife, Ixchel, when not hacking around.
Additional notes:
- This meetup includes food. Please keep your RSVP status up to date so we do not waste any of our food.
- Some pictures might be made. If you feel uncomfortable about this, please mention this to the organizers (or anyone with a camera).