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Re: [Bend-Area-Cycling-Enthusiasts] Canada trip?

From: Jill G
Sent on: Sunday, September 14, 2014, 12:48 PM
That sounds like such a GREAT idea, David! Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to participate this year....saving for my son's wedding in November!

Thanks for including me!
Jill Gilbert

On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 10:36 PM, david baker <[address removed]> wrote:

I wanted to put an email out asking if anyone had any interest in riding to and on Vancouver Island, B.C. I was thinking of driving to Blaine Washington or Tsawwassen B.C. and taking bikes packed with minimal gear on the B.C. ferry to Vancouver Island. Spending a day and two nights riding around Victoria/south areas. Touring paced.  Essentially a slightly extended weekend trip. My thoughts were more to motels as opposed to camping, because it would probably be in October, although I am open to suggestions(camping, friends homes,etc). I am also open to discussing route options, even the possibility of staying in the U.S. and doing the San Juan Islands instead.  I would like the trip to be as affordable as possible, part of the reason to make it short. Of course the hope would be to carpool and maybe even share driving duties as the first and last days could be long, especially if it was just a Fri-Sun trip(open to 4 day option). I do believe passports are now required for entry into Canada, even if you cross the border on bikes:)

Anyone interested? What weekend? I could even do late Sept. if we get organized soon enough.


[address removed]

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