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What we’re about

The Bi Programme is LGBT Foundation's space where bi people can meet, talk and share experiences. We focus on issues that affect the bi community by providing workshops, talks and activities to improve confidence and wellbeing. Our previous events have been about bi history, dating and relationships, and wellbeing and self-care.

We use 'bi' to mean attraction to people of more than one gender. We use additional Meetup tags like 'gay' and 'lesbian' so as people who are questioning their sexuality can find us easily. Feel free to bring supportive friends and family to our events. Don't worry about coming on your own either - lots of people do and everyone's very friendly.

All our events are trans and non-binary inclusive. About half of the people who go to trans events at LGBT Foundation are bi so there's a big crossover. Bi asexual/aromantic people are welcome too.

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