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New Meetup: Giants vs Jaguars & the Welcoming of Two New Baby Giants

From: Drew
Sent on: Saturday, November 27, 2010, 4:24 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for BigBlueDFW - NY Giants Fans in Dallas!

What: Giants vs Jaguars & the Welcoming of Two New Baby Giants

When: Sunday, November 28,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Cape Buffalo
17727 Addison Rd
Dallas, TX 75287

First of all - Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Sure there's family time - turkey - desserts - more turkey - and technically football all weekend...but the real football goes down on Sunday around 12:00pm at our favorite watering hole.

That's right - when you're done with your real families - come hang out with your second "BigBlueDFW Family" at the Cape Buffalo Grille. Come out and watch the Giants while we also celebrate the birth of two new Giants fans. Congratulations to our man Raheem.

Hell - it's a day game and the lights can't go out.

For any newcomers - we watch the games in the Sky Box located on the right as you walk in.

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