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New Meetup: Post Bridge Run Social

From: Jason T.
Sent on: Thursday, December 23, 2010, 9:48 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Chucktown Triathletes!

What: Post Bridge Run Social

When: Saturday, April 2,[masked]:00 AM

Where: California Dreaming
1 Ashley Point Drive
Charleston, SC 29407

After a long hard run.... Lets relax with a great meal and fellowship with our crew at our most popular events, our socials! Please join us at California Dreaming post race to fill up on some great food from our wonderful sponsor as well as an adult beverage or two or three wink If we get a large amount signed up I plan on having a few giveaways as well! Also hoping to have our Summerville counterparts join us! Good luck racing and see you all out there!

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