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Oferta Laboral - Colombian Coders Wanted

From: Juan Pablo B.
Sent on: Thursday, March 29, 2012, 4:57 PM
A brand new New York based startup is looking for 3 Software Engineers to form a team in Colombia and build the first iteration of its education platform. If you want be part of a world class team, can't find enough time in the day to code, research, learn new technologies and enjoy the challenges of building a next generation platform from the ground up, this role will be perfect for you. Are you a student? You may be considered for a part time position if you are really good. - You will be responsible for architecting and building features in their entirety. - You will write code in JavaScript, Ruby and Objective-C. (You only need to be highly proficient in one, generalists who can pick up things quickly are welcome.)

Apply Below:

Juan Pablo Buritica
t: @buritica