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What we’re about

PLEASE READ ALL as you are agreeing to support the purpose of this group.
Boomers, you know who you are. You were born between 1945 and 1965 and great music and concerts defined your high school and college years. If you STILL enjoy great music, including Today's Country, Pop, and Blues as well as music from "back in the day" and you want to get out and hear it...but not alone, this is the group for you. You're active, fit, and want to DO things...especially to get out to support and listen to great local musicians in the wonderful venues in this area.
You live FULL TIME at or near the Delaware and Maryland beaches. I envision this as a YEAR ROUND GROUP of people who wish to make friends HERE, who will be active, and will participate year round. I am trying to form a sense of community for people of our age group in addition to fun outings.

Please come out to actively mingle and to support the venue through purchases of food and drink as well as tipping the waitstaff and bands. We want to be welcomed as a fun and generous group wherever we show up!
I look forward to meeting everyone. Be patient with me as I SUCK at names....but I'll try. To help me (and others) with recognizing people and remembering names, YOU MUST UPLOAD A PICTURE THAT CLEARLY SHOWS YOUR FACE. I love dogs too, but your dog's cute picture is not going to help members to find or remember YOU. Requests without pictures will be denied.
Although I enjoy the company of all ages, I am trying to meet a need here in the beach area. There are an increasing number of "Boomers" who are interested in meeting and socializing with their peers in this area. If you make a request to join this group, please be at least close to the "Boomer decades". There are lots of Meet Ups down here, but not that many for our awesome age group.
FYI, people who get drunk at events, don't spend money or don't tip at a venue, or who consistently make others uncomfortable are not welcome and their memberships will be ended. This group is for fun without drama. (Please leave gossip elsewhere.)
I do not generally make reservations at the venues for many reasons and no one should make reservations under the name of this group. In smaller venues, a limit will be placed on the number of attendees so as not to overwhelm the servers. If you find you need to change your affirmative RSVP, please change to "Not Going" so someone on the waitlist can be notified.
Also, since reservations are not made, please don't ask the venue's host or hostess where the Meet Up group is, because they won't know what you are talking about. I will post "HOW TO FIND US" and look for you by your CURRENT picture. If the hair color has changed or anything else is significantly different since your picture, PLEASE UPDATE IT.
PLEASE, NOTIFY YOUR SERVER at your FIRST order if you wish to have separate checks. It's not really fair for them to bring drinks and food to 6 -10 people for several hours and at the last minute be asked to give separate checks. All places are short staffed these days, and breaking down a check, after the fact, is extremely time consuming making other customers and the kitchen have to wait.
Please check the post on the day of an event for up to date information including how to find the group, possible weather related cancellations or contingencies, or for cancellations due to few attendees.
If this is all agreeable to you, I look forward to meeting you and sharing some wonderful events together. If any of this doesn't fit your style, there are other groups that may be more to your liking.

Upcoming events (3)

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