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What we’re about

Artificial Intelligence is a broad topic related to the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers. While we are a long ways away from general human-like behavior (i.e. Artificial General Intelligence or AGI), the era of narrow, specific applications of AI (i.e. Artificial Narrow Intelligence or ANI) has already begun. In fact, with the open sourcing of Google TensorFlow and the availability of many cloud-based services like Amazon Machine Learning, there has never been a better time to start building intelligent behaviors into your application.

Fortunately for us, Boston is flush with AI-focused organizations of different sizes from Amazon to Facebook to Kayak to GetHuman. In this meetup, we will have the best and the brightest from our community speak about the many exciting and inspirational AI innovations that are happening right in our backyard.

We believe that AI will be a core competency for many developers in the future and we hope that this meetup will help introduce developers unfamiliar with AI to the concepts as well as dive deep into some of the more interesting applications of AI within our ecosystem.


Kayak - Search flights, hotels and rental cars

• Amazon - Online shopping and cloud services

Google - Search engine and a lot of other stuff

Facebook - Social web app

GetHuman - Contact information like Comcast's phone number

Staples - Inter-disciplinary team of team of Data Scientists and Data Engineers working on Supply Chain Management