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Re: [movies-351] 6:15

From: Yvonne C.
Sent on: Monday, August 13, 2012, 5:21 PM
Hi John: I wasn't able to purchase a ticket because of circumstances beyond my control (car repair needed for brakes just before my vacation). Hopefully next time I'll make it. Yvonne

-----Original Message-----
From: John <[address removed]>
To: movies-351-announce <[address removed]>
Sent: 13-Aug[masked]:26:36 +0000
Subject: [movies-351] 6:15

A reminder that this film sold out a week, ago.  PLEASE do not come to the theater if you do not already purchased a ticket.

I plan to be in line NO LATER THAN 6:15.  Waiting until 6:30 puts us behind the building in a different Zip Code.  If you arrive after 6:15, look for us in line in order to Meetup.

Once the line moves into the theater, there is no way for us to reserve seats.

See You at the Movie, Dude,


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