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Upcoming Data-Analytic-Viz Events Around Town; PyData Call for Speakers

From: John V.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 29, 2013, 4:58 PM

Hi Folks,

For the upcoming events, I've included a couple dates further out than usual as events are filling up fast.  Boston Data Mining Group (6/4) and New England Artificial Intelligence (6/11) each have room whereas the other free events have waitlists.  There are a few paid conference events.  Conversely,  with MIT, Harvard, et al., off for the summer it won't be until the Fall for their various series to start back up :(   However, many universities do offer paid short-courses, and will try to dig some of these up for next time (though searching around should arrive to these fast).


Also, for PyData if you are interested in speaking please let us know.  Speakers get into the event for free!!!  From the survey this past weekend; Machine Learning, Pandas, and DataViz are hot topics that people would love to see; as well as NumPy, Big Data, text analytics; and the list of topics went on pretty far.  If you are doing something interesting in Python that you would like to share that would be great.  Please email me or  A title/topic is needed here shortly, though a longer abstract can be submitted in the upcoming weeks.

Best Regards,



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