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Upcoming Events on Data-Analytics-Viz

From: John V.
Sent on: Sunday, June 9, 2013, 8:23 PM

Hi Folks,

Foremost, thanks to those who participated in the Southern New Hampshire University survey.  They have emailed that the industry feedback will be very helpful as they work to create their analytics curriculum - a very challenging task given everything that is in motion with both online education and the big data industry.

Among the upcoming events, the E2 event on 06-18 is a one part of their conferences (keynote, reception).  The Boston New Tech group has worked with them to have Meetup folks attend that part for free.  The below link goes first to the BNT page, and from their one would need to register at the E2 site - which means entering various info, selecting the keynote part, and then at the end a promotion code.  Aside from that event, the below is a mix of free meetups and paid courses.


Best Regards,


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