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Meetup Full, Please Respect your RSVP & Come * Expect Another Great One.

From: Shirley W.
Sent on: Monday, November 12, 2007, 3:39 PM
We have 40 RSVPs. Please make sure that you come, and if you cannot come, please CHANGE your RSVP to NO. Also make sure all your guests are coming. It is extremely disrespectful to other members who want to come and cannot when its full. When doing it twice we eject you out of the group. We have great productive meetups & are planning a time schedule. Members come at different times and some leave at different times. Up to 6:30PM is networking time. You pay the $2 fee at the door and put your email address against your name on the board for later distribution to all. Please bring items for others to see , whether physical ones, photos or sketches, and put on the big boards. One discussion is fashion shows. There are a few in the works. Or discussion stage.

RSVPing: 5 Clothing & Pattern Designers; 5 Other Designers (jewelry, accessories, etc.); 9 Aspiring Designers; 4 Event Planners; 5 Merchandisers, Marketers, Consultants; 10 Photographrs, Models, Graphics.

Let?s welcome new members: SVETLANA BELL, Pattern maker & Dressmaker. COMFORT LASSANA, Fashion Consultant. KRISTINA, Event Planner; MAEGEN, Boutique owner, buyer & now aspiring designer. ANTHONY PERRY, Aspiring Designer. DANIELLE, Dancer, aspiring to fashion. BERNADETTE GORDON, Write for blog, & aspiring designer.

Come prepared Thursday to network, have fun, connect for projects, and learn much. I look forward to seeing you there.

Best wishes,

Shirley, Organizer