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Signature gathering for Suffolk County political candidate

From: Maynard S. C.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 23, 2016, 2:56 PM

Alex Rhalimi of Revere (in Suffolk County) is running for Suffolk County Sheriff, an office that was vacated when former Suffolk County Sheriff Andrea Cabral resigned to become the Massachusetts Secretary of Public Safety.

In 2002, after the Stern Commission, headed by Donald K. Stern, called for reform in the Sheriff’s Department, she was appointed sheriff by Governor Jane Swift. Cabral won election in 2004 as the Sheriff of Suffolk County, Massachusetts, and was the first female in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts history to hold the position.

As Sheriff of Suffolk County, Cabral was responsible for the operation of the House of Correction, the Suffolk County Jail, the Suffolk County Women’s Resource Center, the Suffolk County Community Corrections Center and the Civil Process Division. The Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department has more than 1,100 employees, being correctional officers, criminal justice professionals, caseworkers and administrative staff whose primary responsibility is upholding public safety and providing rehabilitative support for more than 2,500 offenders daily. - Wikipedia

Her vacant position was filled by outgoing Gov. Duval Patrick, and that incumbent is expected to run for office (but we've not yet seen a campaign effort from Steve Tompkins).

The Alex Rhalimi campaign wants volunteers to help him gather the required 1000 valid signatures from Suffolk County voters (Suffolk County includes Boston, Winthrop, and Revere).,_Massachusetts

The county is about 55% democrat, 7.5% Republican, and about 37.5% unenrolled ('independent' labels are defined as 'unenrolled').  The vote is about 71-80% Democrat.  Rhalimi identifies as a Democrat.

Signature gathering for political candidate would involved holding several clipboards (each with a working pen - and a backup pen stashed for each clipboard) so that eligible voters could LEGIBLY sign the petition.

Getting outdoors and doing this work in 2-3 hour shifts is interesting and can be very enjoyable.  When done in one's neighborhood IN SUFFOLK COUNTY, it's a good way to meet some of one's neighbors (and to get a sense of who else lives there - or does business there). 

The campaign asks for volunteers FROM Suffolk County.