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New Meetup: Boat ride in Scituate Harbor & then Mill Wharf Restaurant

From: Peter D
Sent on: Saturday, October 10, 2009, 4:10 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Boston WaterSki Enthusiasts!

What: Boat ride in Scituate Harbor & then Mill Wharf Restaurant

When: October 11,[masked]:15 AM

Scituate Public Boat Ramp
14 Jericho Rd, (Corner Porter Road)
Scituate, MA 02066

Any WaterSki Enthusiasts up for a boat ride and then some food/drinks on the water in Scituate Harbor?

I propose to meet at the Scituate Public Boat Ramp at 14 Jericho Rd, (Corner Porter Road) Scituate, MA. It's just 5 or so blocks from Mill Wharf Restaurant (150 Front St, Scituate, MA 02066 Tel. [masked] )

It is supposed to be sunny but cool. The Water may be warmer than the Air.
The Mill Wharf is a nice place on the water with plenty of space inside to warm up (lots of parking too.)
If you cannot make the water portion, we can arrange to meet at the the Mill Wharf.

For the cruise, share fuel costs of around $15-$20 depending on how many we have.

PS. If Boston Harbor would work better for you, Let me know.

PPS. Carol was talking about bringing some wet suits. We will see.

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