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Three Coal Meetings Incoming, plus Grey Water and Green Drinks.

From: Nick B.
Sent on: Sunday, June 17, 2012, 1:49 PM

You've been waiting with baited breath for a Bozeman Climate Alliance Sunday update, and now you can inhale and exhale freely because here it is.

As we round into the end of the month, some important meetings are coming up. We're providing advance warning because we think they're important.

  1. June 26, 7pm, Bozeman Library big meeting room - Monthly Bozeman Climate Alliance Meeting, focused on Coal Export. The meeting will be held in association with the Bozeman Coal Export Coalition, a group of about 30 people, which has already begun the work of establishing a campaign against coal export. Since they have already established the foundation for this work, we're going to join forces with them for this project, and this meeting will be the first coordinated meeting between the two groups. Please come and bring others with you, as it will be a great opportunity to learn about the issue and to participate in addressing it. We'll post a meeting agenda later this week with additional details.
  2. June 27, 6:30pm, The Bozeman Yoga Center - A leader from the Coal Export Action will speak about the action. The coal export action is a multi-day sit in at the state capital to oppose coal planned for early August.
  3. July 9, 5:30pm, City Commission Room, City Hall. Montana Rail Link will give a presentation in favor of increased coal export from Montana to the Bozeman Commissioners. We're told there will be time for public comment. We intend to bring a lot of people to the meeting, who can speak forcefully and articulately against coal export. If you can be one of them, please attend, preferably with prepared remarks in hand. If you need help deciding what to say, let me (Nick Bentley) know, and I will work on it with you. We'll probably also cover this issue at the Monthly Bozeman Climate Alliance Meeting on June 26.

Second, there are two non-Alliance events on our calendar for this week in which you might be interested:

  1. Wednesday, June 20, noon to 1pm, the Interactive Water Use and Resource Center -Presentation on grey-water and rain-water collection systems for your home.
  2. Wednesday, June 20, 5:30-8:30 pm, Health Works Institute - Monthly Green Drinks.

Finally, the Bozeman Climate Alliance is seeking individuals to fill two roles:

  1. Secretary: responsible for recording and distributing the minutes for meetings, and the treasurer will be responsible for handling our money matters. Would require about 4 hours of work/month. Needed immediately.
  2. Treasurer: to handle money. This position needn't be filled immediately, since there's not yet much money to be handled. This may change soon. It's not yet clear what kind of time comittment this would entail.

If you're interested in filling either role, let me (Nick Bentley) know, and I or another member of our steering committee will be in touch. Neither is paid, but both are critical if we're going to create real movement on climate change in Bozeman. We're bound and determined to make sure that this effort becomes something truly special.

If there are any upcoming events which we have missed, let us know; likewise let us know if you have any suggestions or comments about how we're doing.

May your week consist only of Saturdays,
