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Re: [Brisbane-Entrepreneurs] Do you have a suggestion on a location for a Social Networking meetup?

From: user 3.
Sent on: Thursday, October 3, 2013, 1:57 AM
Hey Blake

Im not sure if they charge or not but ive been to a group at The Full Moon Hotel, 118 Eagle Terrace, Sandgate. Its a great spot and the food is good.

Victoria Whitbread

Warm Regards,

On 3 October[masked]:09, Blake Escudier <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi Entrepreneurs,

Time to suggest some locations for meetups! -  Looking for locations such as restaurants/pubs that have space, easy access, no charge, drinks available, and conducive to social talking.

If you have suggestions - let me know and I'll start up a schedule.


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