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Re: [webcms-53] Geo-something-or-other

From: john k.
Sent on: Thursday, February 12, 2015, 10:31 PM
To Greg,

The term used is spatially enabled.

Most users get a spatial location assigned to them from the ISP as a latitude and
longitude.  This is then located on a map through GPS type calculations.  I think
you can convert from a street address to latitude and longitude using the
publicly available National Mapping system.  Most of the work for this is done at
State Government level through DNRM.

Many of the mobile phones are GPS enabled.  Nokia was first and then Apple. 
Accurate to a metre or so.  That is the same as GARMIN"s Navman devices for
street navigation.

I first got involved in these devices around 1993.

Ring up an Apple salesman or Garmin salesman and ask him if this is the current
retail term....


John Keays

John Keays, Keays Software Civil design software
Joomla web site manager account for­
Keays Licence management account and user access.....

On Mon 09/02/15  4:54 PM , greg [address removed] sent:
> Can someone please tell me what the feature is called when selected pages
> are displayed (say price lists) based on the geo location of the site
> visitor?Greg
> Sent from my iPad
> --
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