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Couple of helpful links for CMJ!

From: Ben R.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 9, 2012, 10:25 PM

Hey guys!

Just wanted to clue you in on a couple of resources for the excitement that is CMJ next week.  If you aren't familiar, CMJ is New York's SXSW - hundreds of concerts all around the city with thousands of bands looking to make it big.  My Social List (the meetup sponsor and NYC concert listings site) has got you set up with some great links for the festival:

This is My Social List's full CMJ listings:

This is our list of FREE shows:

This is our FREE iPhone app so that you don't have to write shit down:

And here are the 4 shows we are sponsoring, including 2 FREE day shows:

Thanks!  Happy CMJing!

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