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What we’re about

The IEEE Buenaventura Meetup Group is the gathering place of the IEEE Buenaventura Section and its ten chapters.  We are very active. Our events are open to anyone interested in advances in technology that benefit the well being of humanity, IEEE members or non-members. Our group is a non-profit 401(c)3 organization.  Most of our events are free of charge. We organize more than 50 speaker talks each year.

The mission of our IEEE Buenaventura Section is to:

• Align great speakers to make it convenient for engineers/scientists/technical educators from Ventura County to remain relevant about advances in their field. We cover the following engineering areas of expertise: aerospace, communications, biology and medicine, electronic devices, circuitry systems, microwave, robotics, automation process, and photonics/imaging.

• Organize technical literacy events (STEM events)  for for middle schools, high schools and colleges in Ventura County

• Present Entrepreneurship workshops to help the technical inventor set up his own startup.

• Create Networking events to align graduates with employers or professionals in transition with  potential opportunities.

Note: The IEEE Buenaventura Section is the local volunteer representation of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a large technical society in the world, with over 400,000 members.  About 1,000 IEEE members live or work in Ventura County.