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What we’re about

The Dallas Personal Robotics Group (DPRG) is all about autonomous robots.  We love to learn how robots tick, build robots from scratch, and hack on ready-made robot kits until they do what we want.  We love to figure out clever tricks and share what we learn.
Join us in our quest as we touch on:
• Our robots - latest accomplishments
• Programming. Problem Solving & "Putting it all together"
• Sensors.  Motors & Microcontrollers
• Fabrication. Cool Technologies & Building Stuff

More About DPRG
Check out "Robot Builders Night Out" - our regular ad-hoc online sessions every Tuesday from 7:30-10 PM - or stop by our meetings on the 4th Saturday of each month at 10am.  These sessions offer presentations on robot technology related topics, or sometimes workshops and competitions. Click for our meeting schedule...
Browse through DPRG's YouTube channel for presentations, tutorials, projects, and other club events. DPRG has been around since 1984, and has tons of great resources to share...
Have a question about robots? Join DPRG's mailing list and become part of the conversation. Ready to become a DPRG member? Click to learn more...
DPRG usually meets at the Dallas Maker Space. 1825 Monetary Lane Suite 104 Carrollton, TX 75006

Upcoming events (4+)

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