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New Meetup: Training: Your Customers Are Your Goldmine

From: pitky
Sent on: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 10:34 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for It's All About Business Relation...!

What: Training: Your Customers Are Your Goldmine

When: April 20,[masked]:30 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Meetup Description: Hi Everyone

This course is about learning how to increase your sales with customer acquisition.

Course highlight:-

- how to increase sales by 61.1% this year
- the 10 types of gold in your customers
- how to acquire clients "CHEAPLY" with high lifetime value
- 5 ways to customer service excellence
- how to keep customers for life
- how to get your team to work as though it's their own business

Speaker Profile: Andy Ng is a master trainer that has trained MNCs such as Brother International, Manulife, Singtel & Breadtalk. He has 23 years of professional experience, including 13 years in training.

Now you can participate in this training at a fraction of the cost: $35 per person. Food in inclusive (Halal/vegetarian food can be arranged)

This event is brought to you by Flat World. Those interested, kindly RSVP by this Friday.

Thanks & Regards
Philip Idaho Tee

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