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Bydgoszcz JUG - Meetup #35

Photo of Piotr Ossowski
Hosted By
Piotr O. and 4 others
Bydgoszcz JUG - Meetup #35


Zapraszamy na #35 meetup Bydgoszcz JUG. Spotykamy się w Auditorium Novum UTP w Bydgoszczy.

Prelegentami będą:

Jakub Nabrdalik
Common mistakes when moving to microservices

While helping organizations move to microservices and public clouds, I’ve noticed a lot of common problems. Architecture is described at infrastructure level (k8s, cloud services, etc.) without any focus on domain architecture. Enterprise architects are put in charge of software architecture. Architecture guilds are created without introducing the required practices and culture. QA still thinks that end to end tests are possible. Managers want to sign-off and control deployments. Pipelines and processes are forced on devs, not allowing them to become devops (the culture doesn’t change). Devs do not learn the different flavors of event based architecture, relying on REST everywhere. Kafka is treated as a message queue (no streaming, no read models, no persistence). Half-baked tools provided as a service by the cloud are assumed to be cheaper/safer to use than self-hosted open source. Teams are created without repo ownership, creating an error prone setup. Finally business pivots are not taken into account, when designing the system. I’ll discuss all those problems, and hopefully provide some usable solutions.

Solution architect with 16 years of hands-on commercial experience including microservices, azure, java/c#/groovy/kotlin, managing an IT branch and leading teams. Teaching architecture, Domain Driven Design, distributed systems, Test/Behavior Driven Development and Spring for the last 10 years. More than 60 talks, 100 workshops, and a lot of long running systems on production. Ex WJUG, WGUG, Spring Lans leader, in Devoxx PL programme committee responsible for Architecture path.

Maciej Boniewicz
JTwig - Modern Template Engine for Java

Podczas prezentacji postaram się odpowiedzieć na następujące pytania:

  • co to jest ten JTwig?
  • jak go używać?
  • dlaczego JTwig a nie np. ThymeLeaf?
  • dlaczego w czasach Angulara i Reacta warto używać czegoś takiego?

Programowanie to przede wszystkim sposób myślenia, a nie język programowania. Programuję od 11 roku życia i nadal mi się nie znudziło. Zwolennik czystego kodu i zdrowego rozsądku. Z javą związany jestem już od czasu studiów. Prywatnie mąż, ojciec, miłośnik tenisa stołowego, aikido, koszykówki, książek i gier rpg i strategicznych.

Sponsorem spotkania jest firma SII

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Bydgoszcz JUG
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