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Meetup details changed: Life of Brian

From: Christian
Sent on: Sunday, April 1, 2012, 10:08 PM
The latest and final details on the viewing of The Life of Brian in a long line of ever changing details! It is now on THURSDAY at 7pm and in ST-108 - but still on the A&M Corpus Christi campus. Elizabeth tells me they're now charging $5 for visitor parking even after hours so she recommends we meet at the Pizza State parking lot and carpool in. Post in comments to help arrange this if you're interested - sadly I'll be out of town or I'd ferry people in.

Individuals for Freethought are sponsoring a FREE viewing of Monty Python's The Life of Brian! 7pm Thursday in ST-108 at the TAMU-CC campus. Everyone is welcome--watching "The Life of Brian."

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