What we’re about
Cafe Science - Basingstoke is a not-for-profit group where anyone is welcome to explore the latest ideas in science, technology and climate change. As the organiser for the group, I now run the group diary from Norwich where I am based, so you will be very unlikely to see me at any in-person events.
We encourage our subscribers to attend in-person talks hosted by local science discussion groups that are within easy reach of Basingstoke. The groups we publicise include Science in Reading, Winchester Science Cafe, Henley Science Cafe plus Skeptics in the Pub in Winchester and the Science Discovery Group in Emsworth.
The in-person events include a speaker plus a break with a follow-on Q&A discussion of the presentation topic. The speakers will often be researchers and experts in their field invited from local companies and academic centres and are specialists in the subjects under discussion.
You should be aware that groups running in-person talks will often request an admission fee or donation of up to £5 towards speakers and group expenses.
For those unable to attend the in-person talks, we also provide details of lectures and discussions delivered as on-line livestream talks that you can watch with your family, friends and neighbours. Why not make the most of this great social opportunity by inviting others to join you in a cafe or at home and then have your own discussion afterwards about the topic you watched. The livestream talks and discussions include those from The Royal Institution, The Royal Society, Gresham College and various University public lectures.
Access and booking arrangements for online live stream talks are always handled by the talk organisers outside of this meetup site. Please ensure you take the time to read the booking instructions carefully.
Join this meetup group to receive email notifications via Meetup of any in-person and live stream science and technology talks, debates and lectures that we hear about.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Science Discovery Group - Waste and Recycling with Trish BaileyCommunity Centre Emsworth, Emsworth£3.00
One with those with a fascination for the science of public services titled "Waste and Recycling". The talk is delivered by Trish Bailey, a volunteer Community Champion. to the Science Discovery Group in Emsworth near Portsmouth.
Meet in room Mountford 1, Emsworth Community Centre, Church Path, Emsworth PO10 7DPZOOM TICKETS:
The Zoom tickets for this talk are £4.00 each and can be purchased at the following address:
Our next meeting is September 16th on behalf of and with support from Hampshire County Council Waste and Resource Management Team, Trish Bailey, a volunteer Community Champion is joining us to discuss waste prevention. We will explore the waste hierarchy and how, although it is beneficial, recycling is a form of waste management and comes below waste prevention in the hierarchy.There are more beneficial actions that can be taken such as reuse and repair. We will learn about how waste is managed in Hampshire and the materials that are currently recycled. We will also consider the importance of waste minimisation relating to food and textile waste, including tips to do this.
To attend a meeting on Zoom you will need to buy a ticket by clicking the link above. You will need to subscribe to the SDG email list to receive our emails. Subscribe by entering your details on our contact page.
When you buy a ticket you will get an email from orders@SimpleTix.com with your personal link to the Zoom meeting. If you do not see this email in your inbox please check your Spam/Junk folder. SimpleTix will also send you reminders for the meeting which also contain your meeting link. When the meeting starts simply click on the link in your email.
When you join the Zoom meeting you will be muted and unable to use your microphone, this is to avoid remote participant inadvertently interrupting the meeting. You will be able to see and hear the speaker and also see their slides. Please type any questions you might have into the chat.Please note the charge is now £4
We look forward to seeing you there but if you cannot make it, you can buy a ticket to listen on Zoom above.
Kevin and Annie
All talks are open to the public.
Admission £4 on the doorSome speakers have provided copies of their talks. These are shown on the 'Past Talks' page of the website
www.sciencediscoverygroup.co.uk - Gresham College: "The Big Brain: Size and Intelligence"Bernard's Inn Hall , London
This livestream from Gresham College is presented by Professor Alain Goriely FRS, Professor of Geometry at Gresham College. The talk is livestreamed at the earlier time of 18:00 from Bernard's Inn Hall at Holborn in London. Please login a few minutes early to make sure you see the whole talk.
More details and booking instructions on the Gresham College web site:
For centuries, scientists have tried to identify what is special about the human brain. How do we approach this problem from a mathematical standpoint? The first hypothesis is that bigger is better, in some sense. This introductory lecture uses scaling laws and simple ideas from statistics to study the brains of humans and animals and uncover basic principles that govern their sizes, as well as testing hypotheses that link size to intelligence.SPEAKER
Alain Goriely is a mathematician with broad interests in mathematical methods, mechanics, sciences, and engineering. He is well known for his contributions to dynamical systems, mathematical biology, as well as fundamental and applied mechanics. He is particularly well known for the development of a mathematical theory of biological growth, culminating with his seminal monograph The Mathematics on Mechanics of Biological Growth (2017). - Henley Cafe Sci: The Blue Tongue VirusHenley Hockey Club, Henley-on-Thames
Basingstoke Science Cafe enthusiasts are invited to the Cafe Scientifique Henley talk on “The Blue Tongue Virus” delivered by Marion English.
Please try to avoid last minute bookings. It can cause lots of administration especially when we are full. Thank you
Email the Henley Café Sci organiser directly at:
This talk will explain what bluetongue virus is, how it has emerged across Europe over the past 25 years and the current threat it poses to the UK.Blue tongue is a notifiable disease caused by infection with bluetongue virus. Bluetongue virus is mainly spread by biting midges.
Bluetongue virus affects: sheep, cattle, other ruminants such as deer and goats, camelids such as llamas and alpacas
Marion English
Marion studied at UCL and Imperial College before gaining her PhD from Southampton University.She has worked at The Pirbright Institute for the past 11 years and now runs the Vector Ecology research group.
Time: You can arrive from 7pm for a 7:30 start.
Format: Usual format is 45 min talk followed by 45 min Q&A.Liquid refreshments are available at the bar.
These events can be very popular and MUST be booked in advance.To book your places(s) please email the Henley Café Sci organiser directly at cafescihenley@gmail.com. When he has confirmed your booking, please RSVP here so that we know you are coming and can look out for you.
Please arrive from 7pm for a 7:30 start. Usual format is 45 min talk followed by 45 Q&A. Liquid refreshments are available at the bar.
Admission is free, but the organisers ask for a voluntary contribution from about £2.𝗗IRECTIONS:
If coming into Henley along the Reading Road turn right at the roundabout towards Tesco, then first left and left again into the hockey club car park. The entrance is near the far end. - Win. Skeptics: 'How morbid curiosity can lead people to conspiracy theories'The Winchester Club, Winchester£5.00
Join the Winchester Skeptics in the Pub from 7pm for their in-person talk starting at 7.30pm. The talk is titled 'How morbid curiosity can lead people to conspiracy theories' and is being delivered by Dr Joe Stubbersfield, a senior lecturer in Psychology at the University of Winchester
£5 at the door to attend this event, which includes a book raffle. We take cash and major cards (cards preferred).
'Mass Observation: Science of the People, by the People, for the People''How morbid curiosity can lead people to conspiracy theories'
Conspiracy theories often allege that important world events can be explained as the result of secret plots by the powerful. They propose alternative understandings or descriptions of events, commonly highlighting threats to our health, wellbeing or liberty. But why would explanations which make the world appear more threatening be appealing compared to mainstream explanations?Morbid curiosity describes the tendency to seek out information about threatening or dangerous situations and is associated with an interest in threat-related entertainment, such as horror films or true crime. Can a morbid curiosity about potential threats lead people down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories?
Across three studies, we found evidence suggesting a relationship between morbid curiosity and conspiracy theories. With those higher in morbid curiosity having higher general belief in conspiracy theories, a higher perception of threat in conspiratorial explanations of events, and a greater interest in learning more about conspiratorial explanations of events, compared to mainstream explanations. Greater curiosity about the minds of dangerous people was consistently the strongest predictor of conspiracy theory belief and interest, suggesting a desire to learn more about the motivations of dangerous ‘others’ being key to the appeal of conspiracy theories.
Talks are usually on the 4th Wednesday of every month, at 7:00 for 7:30, at The Winchester Club in Winchester. Please take a look at the FAQs for more info.The event is in two parts – the talk and then a Q&A after the interval. We encourage you to support the venue by indulging in the available drinks before and during the event.
You are also welcome to join us for a drink in the bar after the event.