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Ice Climbing Season

From: Mikey
Sent on: Friday, December 7, 2012, 12:43 PM

Howdy there everyone,

As you all have notice Ice Climbing and Ski Season is here.  AKA WINTER.  Im sending out this email to see if anyone is interested in doing some Mid week Ice climbing days.

Depending on the the interest I can put on a few trips.  Anything from easy days to long Multi-pitch days.  But before we head up on long routes, I would have to had Ice climbed with you before and will need a good understanding of what you are comfortable climbing.  As well all know the Bow Valley is a very active area for people heading out do climbing and or skiing.  So this is why im looking at doing mid week days.  Not a busy and much more to climb!

None of these days are Intro to Ice Climbing Courses (Unless Stated) sorry.  But If your kinda thinking about giving it a try or already have i would like to see you out there getting active and making one another laugh!

So if your interested Please shoot me an email


Mikey Stevenson


Email: [address removed]

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