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What we’re about

Welcome to our "Calgary Gateways to Connecting Within" Meetup Group! This group is a community of like-minded individuals interested in spiritual growth and healing. We hope you will join us and participate in our group gatherings to connect with each other and gather over topics such as past life healing, vision boards, aromatherapy, meditation, energy healing, soul journeys, crystals, pendulums, spiritual crafting (e.g., spirit sticks, mala necklaces & painting mandalas) and so much more! Some of our events are group chats/discussions, some are hands-on (like making vision boards or mala bead necklaces together) and some are guided journeys (like group meditations). I also have guided meditations you can listen to for free by clicking here.

This group is facilitated by Dr. Alishia M. Alibhai who is a Social Psychologist, Reiki Master/Teacher, Aromatherapy Teacher (affiliated with Young Living Essential Oils) and Past Life Coach & Soul Coach (affiliated with the International Soul Coaching Institute). Please note that by being a member of this group, there is NO membership or affiliation requirement and there is NO membership fee required to be part of this group. Furthermore, in our gatherings about essential oils (aromatherapy), you do NOT need to use any particular brand or to purchase any products to join us for these classes.

You are welcome to join in any of our activities and classes that resonate with you. Some of our classes are free (we ask that you donate an item to your local food bank or charity as a way to pay it forward and give back); some classes allow members to pay what they wish; and other gatherings have a set fee to help us cover costs.

Our intention is that our gatherings are a way for us to connect, grow and learn together and to offer spiritual support on this journey we call "life"! :) Please note that this group does not tolerate any hate or negativity towards each other. The only requirements to join us are kindness, respect and a positive attitude! Please join us at our next Meetup - it would be a joy to have you!

Upcoming events (1)

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