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Seminar: Entity Extraction from Text Documents, Tuesday 11 Oct

From: Yanchang Z.
Sent on: Thursday, September 22, 2016, 10:45 PM

Hi All,

This is a reminder of our seminar on entity extraction on 11 Oct, the first Tuesday after school holidays. Please help circulate this message to your colleagues or friends who might be interested in.

Please note that people in public sector may need to use their personal devices to access the event link. A Meetup mobile app is recommended.

Topic: Entity Extraction from Text Documents
Speaker: Dr. Patrick Sun
Time and date: 4:30-6:30pm, Tuesday 11 Oct 2016
Location: 2B2 (building 2, room B2), University of Canberra

Identity search/bulk match is an important capability for law enforcement agencies. In order to search and bulk match the identities mentioned in text documents, the entities like names, date of birth, address, phone numbers, etc. must be extracted out from the texts and stored in a structured format for Identity Resolution tools. In this presentation, we will briefly introduce our entity extraction framework, evaluation process and present the evaluation results.

Patrick Sun is the Principal Specialist Analytics Research in ACIC. He received his doctorate degree in Data Mining in 2006 from the University of Sydney. After that he has been working in R&D area until now.


Yanchang Zhao

[address removed]

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