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Fwd: Celebrate Hispanic Month with Us at Tesoros Cafe

From: LIZ W.
Sent on: Friday, September 19, 2014, 6:31 PM

Meetup members of the Capital District Spanish Language Group take notice!!!  Sounds like a fun night!   RSVP to the Meetup group named:   Language Enthusiasts of the Capital Region.

Meetup members of the Capital District Spanish Language Group take notice!!!  Sounds like a fun night!   RSVP to the Meetup group named:  Spanish Language Enthusiasts of the Capital Region.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <[address removed]>
Date: Sep 19,[masked]:24 PM
Subject: Celebrate Hispanic Month with Us at Tosoros Cafe
To: "Nancy Scarselletta" <[address removed]>

Meet-Up Language Enthusiasts of the Capital Region and the Latham French Table, Spanish, French, Italian, and Chinese Language Tables, all sponsored by The Language Learning Institute, are excited to be able to inform you of this very exciting event celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month on September 27th from 7 to 10pm at Tesoros Cafe in Schenectady.
This will be a fun evening of food, live music, and dancing.
Tickets are $15 pre-paid, $18 at the door. 
• We have a group discount of $13 pre-paid when we have a group of 10. 
Please RSVP to  this Meet-Up and payment must be received before Saturday.
You do not need to speak Spanish to attend this event, however, if you do there will be others to whom you will be able to speak.
I will be at The Language Learning Institute on Wednesday evening from 6 to 8pm (which is also our Spanish Table Night) to collect money and your contact information.
If you cannot come on Wednesday evening to pay, please let me know and we can make arrangements to meet at The Language Learning Institute another time.
(The Language Learning Institute is located on 5 Herbert Drive in Latham; Herbert Drive is the road located behind the Latham Circle Mall-the road which led to the movie theater).

Nancy A. Scarselletta
Language Learning Institute

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