What we’re about
The Carolina Berg Wanderers is a Charlotte-area club formed in the 70's by people wanting to make friends with others who enjoy outdoor activities. 'Berg Wanderer' means mountain wanderer in German, which is how the club was named by its founders. With some original members still active, and many new members, the Bergs are very active throughout the year. We invite anyone with an interest in the great outdoors to join the club. Our membership, which includes families, married couples and singles of all ages, is as varied as our choice of outings.
We camp, hike, backpack, mountain bike, road bike, sea kayak, whitewater canoe and kayak, and cross country and downhill ski. Some just enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.
Our events are primarily initiated, planned, and led by our individual members, which gives us a wide variety of activities.
If you enjoy the outdoors, whether it's hiking to a waterfall, cross country skiing in sparkling winter wonderlands or riding your mountain bike on rail-trails, and you enjoy the company of others who have a passion for these wonderful activities, you will enjoy us.
We hope you'll come and play outdoors with us!
[Further information is at this link. (See Note*)]
Prospective and New Members please see important information at Info for New Members.(See Note*)
** Membership Form: To pay your dues click MemForm (See Note*) for an address to send a paper check, or suggestions on how to pay electronically. **
T-Shirts: Paying Members can receive a T-Shirt (while they last): click T-Shirts (See Note*) for a picture.
(We will manually change your "title" soon to reflect your payment. It may be a few days.)
[Note*: If you are using a mobile device, the http links must be opened with a browser instead of the Meetup app. You may need to copy and paste or revise the default app settings to make that happen.]