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DataStax Roadshow Lunch Event — October 8th, 2013

From: Brady G.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 24, 2013, 3:09 PM

Hi everyone,

Just a quick notification about an upcoming lunch event lunch with DataStax on October 8th, 12pm at The Gage.  We invite you to our sponsored lunch, to learn about how Openwave Messaging is utilizing Apache Cassandra/DataStax Enterprise.

There will be a presentation by Openwave's VP of Engineering, Darshan Rawal and DataStax's Co-Founder, Matt Pfeil. Further details and a RSVP link can be found below.

I hope you can make it!

12:00pm — Welcome & Introductions: Matt Pfeil, Co-founder & VP of Customer Solutions, DataStax
12:30pm — Cassandra/DSE Use Case Presentation by Darshan Rawal, VP of Engineering at Openwave Messaging
1:30pm — Closing Remarks and Q&A


Address of The Gage: 24 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60603

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