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Some great upcoming CLHG events

From: Helen
Sent on: Thursday, November 8, 2012, 10:38 PM


At last night social at the Somerstown Coffee House, a few people were unsure when and were our Yuletide Mythmas Party was this year and did not know we had Dan Barker, the co-president of the Freedom from Religion Foundation, America's largest atheist and agnostic group, amusing us with his songs and stories this Saturday night, 10th November, a not to be missed opportunity of great free entertainment on a Saturday evening.

If you have not checked out our Meetup site recently please do, we have lots of events in November including the incomparable A  C Grayling, talking on the Roots and Fruits of Humanism on Tuesday 27th November and Iain Overton award winning editor of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism on Tuesday 20th November.

Our two major events in December are the Yuletide Party at the Roxy Bar and Screen, London Bridge, on Saturday 8th December and our Winterval Quiz with UCL on Friday 14th December.

Please register as soon as possible if you intend to come to the Yuletide party so we can sort out catering with the venue. Thanks.

You can check out all our upcoming events at

Central London Humanists (London, England) - Meetup

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Best wishes,

Helen and the rest of the CLHG Committee


Helen Palmer

Events Organiser for CLHG

[address removed]

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